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Simplify Business with Google Apps

The Benefits of Google Apps for Business Like any cloud computing solution, the primary benefit of Google Apps for Business is connected to your ability to access your email, contacts, calendars, and other documents at any time and  anywhere. What sets Google Apps for Business apart is its cost-effectiveness, ease of integration, and its simple user  interface to users of Google services like Gmail. By giving you the freedom to access whatever you need wherever you  need it, these cloud computing tools are changing the way people do business—teams can work better together with Google Apps for Business’s communication and file-sharing tools, and you can rest assured that everything is secure on  the cloud. Google Apps for Business leaves you free to focus on guiding your business into the future. Google Apps for Business is a cloud-based, professional-grade version of Google’s suite of services, expanding upon  them to give your business the ability to manage your business and your team smoothly and efficiently.

Key Features

Anywhere-Access to email and documents Reliable, secure server Gmail, Calendar, Drive Easily scales with your business File-sharing and Management

Run Your Business at Optimum Efficiency with Cloud Based Email

If you want your business to evolve and move forward, there is no better place to start than with Google Apps for Business, though some businesses may prefer the specific functionality of Microsoft’s Office 365. As a emerging and small business  owner you can be assured that ISI’s experts will recommend a plan to make the best use of your resources. Contact us today and start building your IT plan with a free assessment.